Similarly India, is having largest area and production under pomegranate, compared to other pomegranate growing countries like Spain 18.5 tonnes per ha., USA 18.3 tonnes per ha. and Turkey 11.3 tonnes per ha. But the productivity of India is quite lower 6.56 tonnes per ha. The most popular varieties suitable for processing and table use of pomegranate are Ganesh, Mridula, Arakta, Bhagwa, Supar Bhagwa. Area under pomegranate is increasing worldwide because of its hardy nature, wider adaptability, drought tolerance, higher yield levels, excellent keeping quality and remunerative prices in domestic as well as export markets. This crop is also become popular due to its well survival in dry tropics and sub-tropics and grow well in soils of low fertility status, salt tolerant etc. The pomegranate fruit has wide consumer preference for its attractive, juicy, sweet, acidic and refreshing arils. Besides these there is a growing demand for quality fruits towards table purpose as well as in processing industries for juice, syrup and wine. The seed with fleshy portions of sour pomegranate are dried and marketed as "Anardana", which is being used as a condiment for curries.
Pomegranate is good source of carbohydrates and minerals such as calcium, iron and sulphur. It is rich in vitamin C and citric acid, which is the predominant organic acid in pomegranate (Malhotra et al., 1983). The Glucose (5.46%) and fructose (6.14%) are the main source of sugars present in pomegranate. Pomegranate having some health benefit is as fallow.
Health benefits of Pomegranate
• The fruit is moderate in calories: 100 g provides 83 calories(slightly more than that in the apples).
• It contains no cholesterol or saturated fats.
• It is a good source of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers.
• The fruit is suggested by nutritionists in the diet for weight reduction and cholesterol controlling programs.
• Regular consumption of fruits in the diets boosts immunity, improves blood circulation, and offers protection from cancers.
• It contains punicalagin and tannins are effective in reducing heart-disease.
• Regular consumption of pomegranate has also been found to be effective against prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), diabetes, and lymphoma.
• It is an also good source of many vital B-complex groups of vitamins such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5), folates, pyridoxine and vitamin K, and some minerals like calcium, copper, potassium, and manganese.
References (if any)
1. Malhotra, N. K., Khajuria, H. N. and Jawanda, (1983). Studies on physio-chemical characters of pomegranate cultivars II. Chemical characters. J. Punjab Horticulture. 23 : 158.
2. Image from Wikipedia ( - By Anton Croos
About Author / Additional Info:
• Dr. Deepak R Sapkal, Assistant Professor (Genetis and Plant Breeding), Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, State : Punjab (INDIA)
• AKSHAY DANGE ,M.Sc. Student (Genetics and Plant Breeding)
• JITENDRA WAYDE, M.Sc. Student (Genetics and Plant Breeding)
• VAISHALI SAPKAL, M.Sc. Student (Genetics and Plant Breeding)