Authors: Jarupla Surendar, Srinivas.D, and Amala.B. ,S.K Sadawarte
College of Food Technology
Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani (MH)
Extrusion is a process by which a set of mixed ingredients are forced through an opening in a perforated plate or die with a design specific to the food, and is then cut to a specified size by blades. The composite flours for the preparation of extruded macaroni pasta were prepared by blending of Barley, Maize, Sorghum and mixed flour in different proportions on dry weight basis i.e. A (50:10:10:30), B (50:15:15:20) and C (50:20:20:10). The control flour was prepared by using Chickpea and rice flour (50:50). The moisture content of all the flours remained more or less similar with the values ranging from 9.75 to 11.39 per cent. The protein content of sorghum flour, chickpea flour, maize flour and rice flour was found to be 40.73, 17.25, 13.70 and 7.53 per cent respectively. Crude fiber content of chickpea, maize, sorghum and rice flour was found to be 3.91, 3.57, 3.25 and 0.34 per cent respectively. The physicochemical characteristics of extruded cookies were determined by standard methods. The cost of production of extruded cookies food 1 kg was found to be Rs. 108.25. The product sample A scored significantly and it is commercially feasible and can be exploited in the market.

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