Authors: R.R. Sharma & K. Rama Krishna
Division of Food Science and Postharvest Technology
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-12.
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is the choicest fruit of India in terms of not only production but also economic importance and acceptability by the consumers. India is the largest producer of mangoes in the world and it covers nearly 36% of total fruit area and 39.6% of production in India. Even though India is the largest producer and has more than 1600 mango genotypes, its contribution to the mango export earnings from agriculture products is less than 2%. Problems such as internal disorders, insect infestation and pesticide residue along with inadequate postharvest technology and management system are the major bottlenecks to the expansion of mango trade from the country. During the last few years, jelly seed disorder has caused havoc in certain areas, thereby hindering the export and consumption of mango.
The jelly seed disorder is associated with the ripening process, being unique by mesocarp breakdown in the vicinity of the seed and development of off flavor. When in an advanced state, affected tissues may become discoloured and the fruit almost entirely affected. Unfortunately, fruits affected by jelly seed can’t be identified physically and consumers come to know only when fruits are cut open. Only then, they find that few fruits in the lot are not worth consuming. Now, with the increased awareness of consumers on quality of produce, necessitates producer, seller or exporter of any commodity to pay special attention on quality of products for marketing

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About Author / Additional Info:
Working on production and postharvest management of fruits and vegetables for the last 32 years. I have published more that 130 research articles in journals of international repute. Authored 12 books, 250 popular articles and received several awards and honours of ICAR and Govt. of India