- Lalit Arya, Manjusha Verma (Sr. Scientists, NBPGR, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-12)
- Nishant Arora (Computer Science Graduate)
Primers are short oligonucleotides (are complementary to a target DNA), which are synthesized chemically and are used in many molecular biology and biochemistry techniques involving DNA polymerase. These are polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing. Primers are being designed at a large scale by different researchers in same crop/organisms for same or different applications using Next Generation Sequencing technologies. There are quite a number of chances, wherein redundant primers are designed. So we need a redundancy checker tool, in order to get rid of redundant primers. Keeping this in mind we have developed a simple web based redundancy checker tool requiring no program installation. This redundancy checker is meant to remove the redundant records from a excel file without storing any data on the server. The sample format is already available on the tool and can be used to build a custom test excel of any size. There is no theoretical size limits on the tool.
The tool, first basically scans the excel file into the system and displays all the data that is tested positive for being redundant. In the next step, you can download the cleaned excel file. To make this process secure, this option to download is provided only once, because the entire data is flushed after downloading the excel file.
The redundancy checker tool may be accessed at
A Screenshot of Redundancy Checker tool

This is the screenshot of output file

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