Authors: Sunil Kumar1*, Rameti Jangir2
1PhD Research Scholars, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal
2Ph.D. Scholar NAU, Gujarat
*Corresponding Author:
“India lives in its villages" said Mahatma Gandhi, a great freedom fighter and father of our nation. In these villages, agriculture is the primary source of livelihood along with dairying, fish-ring, cottage industries, etc [1]. According to 2011 census, rural area has population of 68.84%, whereas urban area has population of 31.16% or two " third of Indian population live in rural area. 70 per cent of the rural households depend on agriculture. Agriculture is an important sector of Indian economy as it contributes about 17% to the total GDP and provides employment to over 60% of the population. It is fact that the rural population is suffering more consequences for livelihood as compared to urban areas. The difficulties of livelihood may be forcing rural population to migrate to the urban areas presently, rural development mainly focuses on poverty alleviation, better livelihood opportunities, and provision of basic amenities and infrastructure facilities through ICTs based innovative programmes. Better livelihood in rural area may reduce disturbing effects of poverty, unemployment and inadequate infrastructure on urban centers causing slums and consequential social and economic tensions. Hence, rural development is concerned with economic growth with social justice, improvement in the living standard of the rural people by providing adequate and quality social and economic services and minimum basic needs becomes essential. Such rural development programme not only improve livelihood in rural area, but also may reduce the migration, of rural population in urban areas for employment and reduce pressure on urban infrastructure. The efforts of rural development may not work on the same principle as of smart city. Hence, utilization of Information Technology, which has proved its potential for the development, may be used for rural development through a concept of “Smart Village”. We define smart village as a bundle of services delivered to its residents and businesses in an effective and efficient manner. The Smart Village ecosystem is built on the STERM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Regulations and Management) framework [6].

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About Author / Additional Info:
PhD Research scholar in Dairy extension education