Authors: R.R. Sharma
Division of Food Science and Postharvest Technology
ICAR_I.A.R.I., New Delhi-110 012
Pomegranate is an important fruit crop of arid regions. It is a rich source of phenolics and antioxidants, which protect us from several ailments. Its area is increasing day-by-day in different parts of our country, and now it has come up as a highly remunerative cash crop in Himachal Pradesh. Several varieties are being grown there but ‘Kandhari’ and ‘Bhagwa’ have excelled over other varieties. The shelf life of pomegranate is quite high, still there is a great scope to enhance its availability for the longer period to fetch higher price during the lean period of the year. In this direction, Division of Food Science & Postharvest technology, IARI, New Delhi-12 has standardized a simple technique for extending the postharvest life of ‘Bhagwa’ and ‘Kandhari’ pomegranates for the benefit of the pomegranate growers.
Shrink-wrap packaging is a new technique for post harvest handing of fruits and vegetables. The technology delays physiological deterioration of fruits and also prevents condensation of droplets within the package. Individual shrink-wrapping of the produce provides optimum gas and humidity for maintaining quality of the produce during the transit and storage. As a result, it doubles or sometimes triples storage life of the fruits under proper storage conditions. Such unit packs also provide protection against abrasion and maintain attractive appearance of the product.

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About Author / Additional Info:
Working on production and postharvest management of fruits and vegetables for the last 32 years. I have published more that 130 research articles in journals of international repute. Authored 12 books, 250 popular articles and received several awards and honours of ICAR and Govt. of India