Authors: 1Prasenjit, D.,2Mallar, N. K., 3Anirudha, S. K. and 4Utpal, R.
1,3 M.Sc.(Agri.), Dept. of Biotechnology, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka
2 M. Sc (Agri.), Dept. of Biotechnology, AAU, Jorhat
4 PhD, Dept. of Genetics and Plant breeding, AAU, Jorhat
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Mapping population:
Mapping populations are the progenies developed by controlled crossing in between two or more genetically diverse lines, suitable for mapping of genetic markers or to determine the genetic distance between loci/genes. Generally, the parents used for hybridization will be from the same species. But in some cases, related species may be used as one of the parents, in case the variation within the species is limited.
Choice of parents for deriving a mapping population:
Selection of diverse parents is most the important step of mapping population development. The two diverse lines selected as a parents should be completely homozygous in nature in case double haploid line can be used. Parents should be polymorphic for many molecular markers and as well as for the trait under study. It is desirable to choose parents which are adapted to the conditions where its progenies will be phenotyped. It is to be assured that the two parent lines are polymorphic both phenotypically and genotypically. Unadapted and exotic parents may pose difficulties in phenotypic evaluation.

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About Author / Additional Info:
M.Sc.(Agri.) in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, IABT, UAS, Dharwad.
Research Area: Molecular Breeding.