Authors: Pavan Dave, Pranay Patel, Chetan Desai and Bharat Patel
Anand Agricultural University, Gujarat
The inability of certain seeds to germinate readily even when they are provided with all conditions required for germination is known as seed dormancy. A dormant seed is not a ‘failure’. It may be due to conditions associated either with the seeds itself or with existing environmental factors such as temperature and moisture. In general, in groundnut, bunch types are non-dormant while spreading and semi spreading types are having a varied period of dormancy. The seeds show marked dormancy, ranging from 30 to 360 days.
The cultivated groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the most commercially important oilseed crops. It is also designated as "Wonder Legume". It is one of the principal economic crops of the world, ranking 13th among food crops. It is also first ranking oilseed crop of India. Main groundnut growing countries are India, China, Brazil, Africa and South-East Asia India accounts about 40 per cent area and 30 per cent world production. It contributes about 35 per cent area and 40 per cent production of the total oilseed crops grown in the country

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About Author / Additional Info:
We are the research Associate at Anand Agricultural University, Anand. We work for research in genetics & plant breeding and Agronomy.