Author: Rakesh Rathore
Aloe vera is important economic medicinal plant, it belong to family Liliaceae. It is perennial and xerophyte plant can be grown in dry, desert and humid climate. The leaves are thorny and jacked contains juice and gel, having good medicinal properties which is demanded by pharma and cosmetic industries. The length of leaves 20-30cm. It contains various organic and natural components like amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and other ingredients etc. Aloe vera is most applied medicinal plant in the world because it is powerful detoxifier, antiseptic, anti-ageing and tonic for nervous system.

Source:, retrieved as on 12 may 2018
Selection of land in Aloe vera cultivation
Sandy soil are best for its cultivation minimum two acre of land are also gives good remunerative outcome. It is generally cultivated in dry region with minimum rainfall and humid region, so climate of Rajasthan is suitable for its cultivation. It is propagated through rhizomes and from root suckers. Field should be well prepared with ploughing before plantation of the crop. Organic manure and FYM is good for increasing land fertility and proper growth and development of the crop.
Planting material and spacing
Good and healthy 40,000-50,000 per hectare root sucker are ideal planting material for Aloe vera cultivation. Spacing between plants 60×30 should be maintain.
Irrigation and pest control
Irrigation must be done after plantation of the crop as per the moisture contain of the soil. Timely weeding and pest control necessary for the proper growth of the plants , 0.1% parathion and 0.2% dithane M-45 spraying for control of weeds and pests respectively. It can tolerate water stress condition, but timely irrigation is important for proper growth and development of the plants.
Harvesting of Aloe vera
Leaves should be manually harvested and timely harvesting of the leaves adds more profit. Leaves are the economic part of the plant, so attention should be given during harvesting of the plants to avoid damage of the leaves. Sharp knife is used for harvesting of the leaves.
Post-harvest handling of Aloe vera
During harvesting and post harvesting care must be taken for post-harvest management of leafs because the leaf can be spoil after harvesting without proper handling and it can be cause huge losses. It contain juicy substance which is used in many medicinal purposes, leaf pulp is very important for making juice and gel from leaf after processing of Aloe vera leaf.
Marketing of Aloe vera
Popularity and demand of the Aloe vera increasing day to day farmers can sell their produce direct to the herbal manufacturing companies. Aloe vera possess many medicinal properties and it is demanded by herbal pharma and cosmetic industries like Patanjali, Dabur, Baidhnath and Himalaya etc.
Detail on returns of Aloe vera cultivation per hectare
S. No. | Particulars | Value (Rs.) |
1. | Cost of production (kg) | 1.15 |
2. | Gross return/ rupee invested | 0.38 |
3. | Total cost of cultivation | 41210 |
4. | Average yield (kg) | 35000 |
5. | Gross return | 105000 |
6. | Net return | 63790 |
(Source: Samsai & Praveena, 2016)
Marketing channel
The channel is the rout by which the produce reach to the ultimate user or consumer, marketing channel is helpful in end use of the produce, there are direct and indirect marketing channel involve in marketing of Aloe vera.
Farmer/producer -> Wholesaler -> Processor -> Retailer -> Consumer
Farmer/producer -> Processor -> Retailer -> Consumer
Profit margins in Aloe vera cultivation
Cost incurred in production of per hectare Aloe vera is ₹110,000 and expected yield is 100-120 quintal and is about ₹ 340,000 per hectare. Around ₹ 2-4 lakh rupee can earn every year by direct selling it to the processing industry.
Aloe vera is an important medicinal plant and it’s having huge demand in market in India as well in International market. Farmers can gain profit from two acre of Aloe vera farming .The maximum yield of two acre is about 25-30 tons. Now days many herbal company doing contract farming for Aloe vera cultivation because they are making so many herbal products from Aloe vera like aloe juice , aloe gel, toothpastes, etc.
Amit Pandey and Shweta Singh (2016). Aloe vera: A Systematic Review of its Industrial and Ethno-Medicinal Efficacy, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Allied Sciences, 5 (1): 21-33
Biswas B.C. (2010). Cultivation of medicinal plant, success story of two farmers, Fertilizer Marketing News 41(3):1-4
Mahor G. and Sharique A. (2016) Recent update on the medicinal properties and use of Aloe vera in the treatment of various ailments,Pharmaceutical Communication Bioscience, Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(2): 273-288.
Samsai T. and Praveena S. (2016). An analysis of production and processing of Aloe vera, International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research, 6(6):51-56.
About Author / Additional Info:
Currently pursuing Ph.D. in Agri Business from Institute of Agri Business Management, S.K. Rajasthan Agricultural University , Bikaner