Biotechnology is a very successful technology in the modern world in many ways. It has experienced so much revolution in recent years for example in the field of genetics. Genetics is giving the opportunity to do research and perform different experiments. Because of this, many new things are being developed, discovered or invented. Though it is a good thing but due to the progress of this field, it is also facing the challenges of the modern world.
Biotechnology in the form of genetics has give information about the cells, genes and structure of the DNA molecule. Scientists have even able to sequence the genome of the humans. This sequencing of the genome enabled the scientists to discover new genetic diseases and the genes which are responsible for these diseases. Scientists have also been able to detect the genes which control psychological processes and they have designed new methods of developing such drugs which can be used to fight against such diseases. Other sectors have also taken benefit from Biotechnology for example, environment, ecosystem and agriculture.
Scientists though have succeeded in getting the information of the genes and their sequencing, but they are facing the challenge that how this information be brought to public as this is a very complex information to understand. Consider the example of two girls who are identical twins. One sister is suffering from the disease of multiple sclerosis and the other one is perfectly alright. Though both the girls have same genetic makeup, but now scientists are facing the challenge that what is the gene which is causing disease in one sister but the other sister is healthy. This is a challenge for the scientists that they are still unable to find that particular gene and are unable to deal with the complication.
Science of biotechnology is still unable to keep the people informed about the challenges of the life. The scientists extract which information from something that is plants or animals' genes; they are unable to convey it to the public sector. It is a major challenge. These challenges are making biotechnology to do more research and opening ways fro other experiments. Biotechnology is also facing the challenge in the genetics, that if scientists make something that is some organs of humans or some medicinal drugs, they do not know that whether these organs or drugs will be accepted by the immune system of the human body. Same is the case with animals and plants. If animals are cloned or bred, scientists are not sue whether these animal' milk and meet will be beneficial for human health or not. It is possible that these animals contain some disease which they get from the animals with which they are bred. Similarly there is a possibility that genetically modified food and crops may contain disease resistant bacteria or other harmful micro-organisms. If this food is consumed by humans, they may be getting infected with these harmful micro-organisms. Environment can also get effected by these plants or animals.
So it is a greatest challenge for biotechnology to find such ways that if they make something, they should be sure that this food or the meat of this animal will not be harmful for the human body.
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